jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

The box of crayons we live in

"We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors ...but they all have to learn to live in the same box." Author Unknown

The very essence of the idea of human rights starts with respect and tolerance. We are all different from each other: we think different, dress different, laugh in different ways; and we should learn to appreciate the beauty of it. People should stop thinking that `human rights´ is a concept beyond our closest context; `human rights´ starts right here and right know: the way we treat people as equals, respect different opinions, embraced our particular contexts, etc; that is the way each of us get involved with this initiative.

We as humans, as the quote says, should learn a lot about being tolerant with each other. The world we live in, for sure is like a box of crayons, and each of us have a particular color. We should feel free to express the color we have in our essence.

Most people talk about this reality as something far, something diffuse; for me it is not about talking about the past of this idea or the repercussions it has on history. For me is more about teaching younger generations how to put in practice `human rights´, and developing a better world, filled with freedom and respect.

We as humans are the only responsible for this, it could be more than words written in a text book, or dates remembered with holydays; `human rights´ are actions, and we should practice them in order to learn to how to live in the same box of crayons.

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011


What is friendship for me? The word friendship is a bad used clichè among poeple. When we talk about it, we always do it in a very romantic an ideliastic way. A friend is someone that know you deeply, and also can harm you deeply. We as humans have the capacity of bringing joy or sadness to the poeple around us, and for sure a friend can act both ways.

Friends are there for you in times of need; they are not just present in your life when things are good. You should be able to separate friends from friendly people, the second category is all about fun, partyng and meaningless moments;when things get hard, poeple in this category are no where to be found.

You should love your friends, help them in times of need and enjoying every moment you spend next to them; but never lean on them completely. You should always like yourself more and never give up your essence for anyone. Friends come and go, the only person you have forever in your life is yourself. Respect you and love you better than you love everyone else.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Different stages of Friendship

The process of making friends can be divided into three stages: new friends and acquaitances, true friends, and best friends... we have different kinds of friends in different parts of our lives, but not all friendships last forever.