"Quito Fest" is a free and independent music festival that takes place in Quito, Ecuador. Ecuadorian bands as well as international bands participate in the festival. During the first years, it took place in the Parque La Carolina but since 2005 it takes place in the Parque Itchimbía as the attendance is bigger each year. It's the biggest music festival in Ecuador and it's organized by the "Musica Joven" foundation.
This year bands such as: Lamb of God, Veda, Alma Rasta, The Skatallites, Cabal, Curare, El Cuarteto de Nos, Monareta, Mad Brain, among others, were supposed to be attending the festival, but after the latest political developments in Ecuador, authorities decided to call it off.
Thanks to the effort of the Fundation and the city council in Quito the festival is on again with new dates: saturday 13 and sunday 14 of November.
The final line-up is still to be confirmed, you can find out more at:
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