miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Contemporary Dance Festival in Quito

From November 8 to November 12 in the "Nacional Sucre" and "Variedades Ernesto Albán" theaters, the International Contemporary Dance festival "Reencuentro con la Danza" is taking place in our city. The entry is 1 USD .

In the "Desde el Teatro" magazine, edited by the "National Sucre´s Theater Foundation", says that the festival will be executed with several reflections like liberty, lightness, opening, the sense of flying and in general the breaking of authoritarianism included in the process of creating art and in this particular case contemporary dance: a form of expression which is developed regardless sex, race and believes.

This year´s participants includes dance delegations from: Chile, Brasil, Venezuela, México and Ecuador.

This is the calendar:

  • “Sujetaltac”

Compañía Movimiento (Chile)

November 8 • 20h30

Teatro Variedades Ernesto Albán

  • “El cuerpo que escribe”

Tribute to the ecuadorian writer Jorge Enrique Adoum

  • “Danza de viejitos” “La sombra en el espejo”

  • “Kviera-danza urbana y Rosa Amelia Poveda (Ecuador/Alemania)

November 9 • 20h30

Teatro Variedades Ernesto Albán

  • Tenía que ser solamente contigo”Compañía de danza Quasar (Brasil)

November 10 • 20h30

Teatro Nacional Sucre

  • “De Hadas, Duendes, Brujas y otras Criaturas disfrazadas en la ciudad” Ruby Tagle Wilinham (México)

November 11 • 20h30

Teatro Variedades Ernesto Albán

  • “Shakti en Ascensión o Rainbow Revisited”Aktion Kolectiva; Laboratorio permanente de investigación de

Danza Contemporánea Teatro (Venezuela)

November 12 • 20h30

Teatro Variedades Ernesto Albán

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