lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Micro Quito 2011

Micro Quito is a short story contest, were people from all over the country is able to send their stories about the city. You don´t have to be a native from Quito, you just have to write your work in no more than 100 words (without including the title of the piece).

The stories must have urban thematics about the life in the city, and each contestant is able to send four inedit pieces.

The winners are published in billboards all over the city and also in postcards socialized in "El Trole", "Ecovia", Malls, the airport, among other places. About 500 thousand postals will be distributed.


Frist price: USD 1500
Second price: USD 1000
Third price: USD 500

Mention from the audience: USD 1000

There´s an open call to send the stories from December 15 2010 to January 30 2011
For more information about the ways to send your stories, hit:

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